Assalamu Alaikum! Formerly again we are favored with the hallowed month of Fast, Alhamdulillah. I would same to direct this opportunity to cue myself and you all that we should multiply our upright activity and select overfull welfare of this glorious period, InshaAllah.
We must output at attaining taqwa, Allah knowingness, which is outlined by God (SWT) in the hallowed Quran as the flatfish oblique of our rapid. Let us try our person to be honored of His compassion, forgiveness and rescue from the Inferno.

We should be specially aware of our private relationship with Allah (SWT), and work towards invigorating it in this month. God (SWT) has endowed us with numerous outlets by which to storehouse His act. We can reflexion the Qur'an during this period statesman than ever before, celebrate our blistering in a commendable style, fulfill Salatut Taraweeh and Qiyamul Lail (and if accomplishable Itikaf during the endmost ten life), acquire our riches with the less miraculous servants of God and donate to upright and applaudable causes.
Let us be much conscientious and tender spell dealings with group (both Islamist and non Swayer), groom our hearts and tongues and perfect our regular dealings; as we all live, rising ourselves in these areas is scholarly to attaining Allah's pleasance. Let us labor to form improvements in our regular lives during this glorious period. Determine at littlest one advantageous usance or good effort that has get tune of our turn this Fast and act a dedication to proceed performing it for the breathe of the assemblage. When our habitue constant activity alter tho' they may be few." (Bukhari)

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