Thursday, 21 July 2011

Poll: Rate the WSOP/ESPN Live Coverage | Pokerati

With the unrecorded reportage of the WSOP important circumstance on ESPN2 and ESPN3, smouldering cards news real has been appropriated to a new take - that some is doomed. In fact, now that they are descending to 14 players, the WSOP Elastic is around to move over for a distich hours to ESPN1. But there seems to be a rift over it all that frankly, I hit kinda amazing.

While I suppose it's been friggin awing and indeed sheer historic, a cadre of Pokerati commenters seem to possess a vitriolic distaste for the resilient reporting that goes far beyond a emblematic poker complaint. (I'm really frustrated in them, obv.) Not often in-between … it seems a love-it-or-hate-it intimacy.

So at Marvin in Bedford's recommendation - though I did try to withdraw partisanship by not line the active amount "phony" - I put it to the readers of Pokerati with a linear fourfold prize challenge asking your intelligent gun-to-the-head work on how ESPN has elected to channel us the 2011 WSOP:


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